It’s gone. Three hundred years that tower stood, tall and proud, a bulwark, a symbol of what this land means. Or meant​. Now it’s been reduced to rubble, and for ... Continue reading
It’s gone. Three hundred years that tower stood, tall and proud, a bulwark, a symbol of what this land means. Or meant​. Now it’s been reduced to rubble, and for ... Continue reading
Finally some more news from Dr. Garlic! Him, Sven, and Corin were ambushed, kidnapped, and robbed by a band of burglar dractyls who called themselves “The Snake ... Continue reading
Ah… the joys of treasure hunting! It can be such a great way to spend your Sunday afternoon–just ask Dr. Garlic. Along with traveling buddies Sven and Corin, ... Continue reading
Welcome back! I come to you today with a report on Convergence Point’s annual “Face Yer Fears Day,” straight from the pen of our dear Typhon Garlic. Let’s ... Continue reading
Hey there, folks! This post, as hoped, comes with an improvement the Dr. Gene situation. Typhon and Dan hunted relentlessly for any trace of Al, but until yesterday, they could ... Continue reading
Hi, readers. We’re back with another (mis-)adventure of the fabulous Dr. Garlic! As you might have guessed from reading the title, this post contains a doom-filled cave. Uh ... Continue reading