Well, it looks to be another long Dr. Garlic post, readers!
The crew of The Fish Out Of Water mutinied and imprisoned Typhon, Seymour, the other two passengers, and the ship’s cook, Orville (he refused to assist the others in the rebellion). They were all put in the brig, which was basically a single cell that they were all crammed into.

Mr. Spivey instigated the mutiny and turned the crew against Captain Garlic with promises of wealth and fortune. That actually wasn’t hard, because most of the crew had already been to prison for theft or robbery.
The crew had changed into jail clothing of theirs to make themselves look extra evil. Upon entering the brig, Typhon discovered they had scrubbed the cell’s interior with mud and scum to make it even more unpleasant for the prisoners.
The mutineers had all different types of weapons. Most had guns or knives, but the thug guarding the brig had a monkey-wrench which he kept on threatening Typhon and the others with.

Fortunately their stay in The Fish Out Of Water’s brig was not prolonged. Here is Dr. Garlic’s journal entry telling all about it!
Boy, am I glad that’s over!
I just knew that Spivey guy was trouble! He stirred up the crew and got them to turn against Uncle Seymour. That Walter guy who put a dent in my car especially enjoyed tossing us all into the brig. I hope all those mutineers have learned their lessons! They’re now staying in the same grungy brig they kept us in.

Fortunately we received help when an employee of Dr. Gene arrived in a private helicopter to deliver a present for me. Of course Mr. Spivey got greedy for the helicopter and sent him to the brig, gift and all. He explained who he was, and gave the present to me. I opened Al’s gift near the back of the cell, where Spivey’s goons couldn’t see me.
The present was a pair of energy pistols, which came with two thousand extra plasma bullet things. We quickly made up a plan that involved using them to make our escape.

As the big angry guard walked by, I aimed my pistols at him and whisper-shouted, “Stick ’em up!” Soon we had been released from the cell and locked the mutineer up in our place.
We ran about capturing different mutineers. Uncle Seymour had a tommy gun, Orville took a monkey-wrench (though he didn’t do much with it), and Al’s employee borrowed one of my new pistols as we slowly but surely retook the ship.

When we had arrested most of the mutineers, we suddenly came upon Mr. Spivey. He had a giant sword, but Al’s employee held up my pistol and shouted, “Don’t try anything funny!” He then began singing, “Put your hands in the air, in the air,” as Uncle Seymour and I tied up the villain.
I can only thank Dr. Gene for his wonderful gift of these energy pistols. Without them, I don’t know what would have happened, but it wouldn’t have been pretty. So if you read this, Al, thanks for your help!

Well, Dr. Garlic’s going to have to practice his ya’lls an’ howdy dos cause he’s going to reach the West in no time!
And of course, the almost required map from Dr. Garlic can be found to the right.
Thanks for reading! These mutiny things sure can use up a lot of words. Leave your comments below and I’ll see you next time!
You are indeed welcome!