The boss made us dig up this lame tomb for the past two weeks. It had some map or trinket or some other hokey nimrod thing that will magically solve all our problems. As if. ... Continue reading
The Duke of a small, aptly-named plot of land called Quagmire and leader of an organized crime ring. Irrelevant Jonah Stinewell (yes, his first name is “Irrelevant”) is determined to seize the respect no one has ever given him.
The boss made us dig up this lame tomb for the past two weeks. It had some map or trinket or some other hokey nimrod thing that will magically solve all our problems. As if. ... Continue reading
Why, hello. If you thought this post was going to be about Dr. Garlic running indoors with his family, I’m sorry to say the title is a little misleading. In this case, ... Continue reading
Now although this title may seem frightening, let me start by just saying: you will have to read the post to learn whether or not Dr. Typhon Garlic or anyone else died! Mwa ha ha! ... Continue reading