It’s my seventeenth birthday today!
I’m going to have a (small-ish) birthday party, eating dinner and cake and some friends. Oh wait, I meant “eating dinner and cake with some friends”. Whoops. 🙂 Also, it looks as if I’ll be playing some Super Smash Bros. at the party, which should be fun.

I changed up the cupcake picture from last year a bit, by the way. I was amazed how much Cycles has changed in a year. Lots of development definitely makes for lots of improvements.
Sadly, I have no funny edited photos for you today. But did you perhaps enjoy my birthday countdown? Maybe?
This post will have to end now, since I can’t think of anything else to write.
Leave any birthday wishes in the comment section!(Here’s an example: “I wish it were my birthday…”)
Thanks for reading.
I wish that we could have your birthday party all over again…
Maybe I would even buy you a birthday present this time!