Good Times Ahead and Construction’s Aftermath


Well folks, I apologize.

I have just been too busy to blog. Between working on school all hours of the day and eating, I haven’t had much time. Okay, so maybe I’ve overstated the situation just a bit. But I really have been busy!

Also, you may notice that this post is not about our favorite minifig adventurer. Let’s just say the carrier birdy is not arriving with more news. I do hope nothing bad has happened to Dr. Garlic!

Good times ahead!

But I’m straying from the matter at hand. For (at least) the past month now, I have counted down the days until my friend’s imminent return.

I do not feel a need to say his name, but he and I are purty chummy. I met him almost a year ago, but have not spoken with him in person for about … nine moons now? The internet is quite a blessing; by now we’ve exchanged well nigh over a couple hundred electronic mail messages. Such a volume of real letters would have depleted anyone’s stockpile of wealth, especially since most of those would have needed to travel half the globe. Thanks to electronic mail, we’ve been able to communicate without entering bankruptcy! 🙂

Stylish (if not confusing) colors!

As you can see, there are a couple pictures of … well, the driveway area, I guess. I needed a longer post; doing a follow-up to this post seemed to be the way to go! 😀

Anydirection (that ain’t a word), the whole dug-up thing they had going on for a bit is over now. Actually, it’s been over for months now, but it took me until now to think of writing about the stuff.

So I guess that’s the end of the post!

I’ll see about getting some more work done on my website soon. Don’t get yer hopes up, though, ’cause if ya do, I’ll find some way to send ’em plummeting like rocks!

Hmm, that sounds sorta mean. Guess ya better keep yer hopes safely grounded for now. See ya’ll next post!

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  1. The Carrier Birdy and Dr. Garlic 2.0! | Peter's Blog

One Comment on Good Times Ahead and Construction’s Aftermath

  1. Harry said:

    I am looking forward to seeing you, too, Peter!

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