What an eventful couple weeks this was! Miles and I split up from the group as they went about the task of retrieving the Clareborne family sword from that villainous old thief. ... Continue reading
Better known as The Computer Programmer, friend of Dr. Garlic and the late Al Gene.
What an eventful couple weeks this was! Miles and I split up from the group as they went about the task of retrieving the Clareborne family sword from that villainous old thief. ... Continue reading
Alice here. The claymore is in our possession. Finally something is going right. The stakeout was dangerous but ultimately worth it. The old fool still has no idea it’s even ... Continue reading
Welcome back, everyone! Today Dr. Garlic attended a very special event: his older sister Alecia’s wedding ceremony! I’ll let his journal entry tell you all about it: ... Continue reading
Hello, readers! In this post I bring you the glad tidings of Alecia’s success in contacting the Computer Programmer, and in improving her protein shake recipe! In order to ... Continue reading
Okay, all you panicking readers, I finally have news from Alecia! Don’t worry about her — she is alive, and well … physically unharmed. Alecia is now at the mad ... Continue reading
Howdy howdy, and welcome back to my blog! Today I have some more news from Dr. Garlic. He attended the Adventurers’ Reunion today, and boy, was it a whirlwind! He saw ... Continue reading
Welcome back, readers! The Computer Programmer and I have a dilemma: We need soap! We’re getting pretty stinky while working on our plan to save Dr. Garli – I mean, ... Continue reading
Hi, readers! Today I have received a communication from a highly intelligent person. When I say “a communication”, I mean a bajillion communications. It really ... Continue reading