Greetings, fellow earthlings…erm…readers!
I have done it, or as a friend says: “Mission accomplished.”. 😀
I have set the monkeys free! As in No Rights Reserved free. Yep, that’s right – the Suzanne September 2011 source files are out there for anyone to download and use for any purpose!
To the extent possible under law, Peter D. Cassetta has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to SuzanneStudioLighting.blend.
Download it here: Suzanne Studio Lighting source files.

And here’s the wallpapers; go ahead and download the correct resolution for your computer:
Have fun with the wallpapers! (And source files – if you’re into that kind of thing.) 🙂
Darn it. I can’t access it. It says there is an error.
The links were pointing to the wrong location (urp!) but they’re fixed now! Thanks for pointing this out, buddy. 🙂