Hello folks! This post brings tidings of Dr. Garlic’s 25th birthday!
Dr. Garlic hasn’t really had time to celebrate his birthday during the past couple of years, so this time Alecia made sure it would be extra special for him! I’ll let her explain just how she managed that.

Tuesday, the twenty-fifth of June, Year 2013 A.D.
That time of year has come again! Yesterday was Typhon’s 25th birthday! I enlisted the help of the carrier birdy to celebrate with him. We made a shiny birthday banner and a gargantuan birthday cake. I only had a couple of bites myself, but I can tell you, it was the most delicious cake that ever existed!
After Typhon was stuffed with cake, we gave him some birthday presents. The carrier birdy went first. He walked up to Typhon and, in little squawks, told him that he was about to give him the most precious and carefully guarded thing that he owned. Then, before we could stop him, he ripped out his ‘lucky green feather’ and handed it to him.

As for me, I gave him a space-time communicator. It has a built-in wormhole generator, plus tons of other cool features (such as a tracking device, so I’ll always know where to send his future birthday presents). I purchased it without him finding out when we took a trip to the mall.
With such a handy little device, he won’t have to rely on the well-meaning but undependable services of the carrier birdy. Seriously, what if the little guy got kidnapped, or decided to take a vacation?
Anyway, let’s just say ‘Happy Birthday Typhon!!!’
Well, it seems that Alecia has finally managed to solve the problem of missed birthdays for Dr. Garlic! Oh, and if you have any questions about her cake recipe, post them in the comments.
How on earth did she manage to make a cake that large that was still the most delicious cake that ever existed?!
Also, just wanted to mention that Alecia sent me the receiver for the spacetime communicator so Dr. Garlic can send messages and stuff to me. It’s a pretty nifty little system. 🙂