Welcome back, everyone! I just received word from Dr. Garlic, and he went to the Town Mall yesterday. (Yes, you read that correctly. Mall.) He had a pretty good time there — ... Continue reading
Month: July 2012
Dr. Garlic at the Town Mall
0Dr. Garlic and Dan Dirtie Save Dr. Gene!
0Hey there, folks! This post, as hoped, comes with an improvement the Dr. Gene situation. Typhon and Dan hunted relentlessly for any trace of Al, but until yesterday, they could ... Continue reading
The Doom-Filled Cave
0Hi, readers. We’re back with another (mis-)adventure of the fabulous Dr. Garlic! As you might have guessed from reading the title, this post contains a doom-filled cave. Uh ... Continue reading
Dr. Garlic Visits the Sagely Wise Man
2Welcome back, folks! Dr. Typhon Garlic’s adventure continues at the top of the peaceful mountain of tranquility. Because Dr. Gene’s sidekick won’t be able to do ... Continue reading